CSSC Policies.

A safer Space.

Behaviour Policies


This applies to online behaviour, at events, and on the slopes

We expect general kindness. Be kind to one another, please.

Spread the love of skiing and boarding to those around us! Be kind to one another. 

Thank you!


NOTHING unkind, uncomfortable, or disrespectful will be tolerated. The Concordia Ski and Snowboard Club has zero tolerance of any form of harassment. All members monitor the instagram and discord page. 


If this unkind behaviour extends from online to the mountains, an executive team decision will be made regarding whether you will be allowed to continue to join us on ski trips. 

Breaking Behaviour Policy Repercussions

We, as an Club, retain full authority to suspend or ban any membership at any time.

We will do our best to keep an unbiased opinion, and listen to all parties when navigating any situation. We will address any policy concerns as professionally as possible.

If we see any activities that are contradictory to club policies we will give a written warning to your provided email, and if these actions are severe enough or continue, we will ban membership.

These reprimands are permanent, or until otherwise resolved.

Report something

Need to alert the CSSC team of something that bothered you (at an event or ski trip)?

Anonymously, or with your contact information if you want to follow up.

We’re here to help you navigate this situation.